Vi Veri Universum Vivus Vici

By the Power of Truth, I, While Living, Have conquered the Universe
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About Us
In the craziness of the 2020 "pandemic", my eyes were opened. When I saw immediately how the media was pushing a narrative of fear, I began to look deeper at the motives behind the virus. I, like so many, quickly saw the corruption and the clear engineering behind the allegedly natural virus. With some nudging from my brother, I discovered David Wilcock, Laura Eisenhower and others who showed me many pieces of the massive puzzle, and it all suddenly made perfect sense. We set up the Great Awakening School to help awaken those who are ready and willing to look at the facts openly. It is my hope that this place will continuously expand and always be a free resource for anyone who wishes to learn the true and heretofore hidden nature of the world we live in and the greater universe at large both, physically and metaphysically. Thank you so much for coming here and for being willing to look.
~Matt, Founder, Great Awakening School
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